1Macman's Place

Photos from family and friends

Photo Gallery

This page is full of photos, so take your time to look around and enjoy.

About the Page

The Photo Gallery page is made up of several types of photos. You'll find random daily photos, a Celebrate and Remember section, and two different types of photo albums. Note: The album sections also include navigation instructions, so be sure to read them carefully.
If you have photos you’d like to share, contact me for more information.

Recent Additions

Here is a list of photos, recently added to the page. Please note that it does not include, photos added to the Daily Pic section.
  • 1/11/25: A photo was added to Our Pets and Photo Scrapbook albums.
  • 2/2/25: A photo was added to the Celebrate section.
  • 2/4/24: A photo was added to the Celebrate section.
  • 2/18/25: A photos was added to the Celebrate section.
  • 2/22/25: A photo was added to the Celebrate section.

Daily Pic

The Daily Pic section has 10 photos with the latest one first, and you can navigate through them, with the direction arrows. It is best to view this section in portrait mode on smaller devices. If you view it in landscape mode, you may have to scroll, to see the full slider.
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  • David and Joanna

    This is a photo from 2016, of my brother David, and his girlfriend Joanna.

  • Hawk

    I pulled in my mom's driveway a couple of days ago, and saw this hawk under a tree.

    So I took some photos while still in the car, then got out, and took a few more.

  • Smelling Flowers

    A photo from 2004, of my neice's daughter Taylor, smelling a flower in our garden.

  • Dad and Mom

    Here's a photo of my mom and late dad, sitting on my swing. It was taken at a Labor Day picnic at our house, back in 2007.

  • Hay Field

    This is a photo I took, back in 2010, of the field next to my house.

    They had recently cut down the hay, then put it in rows, and I thought it looked really cool.

  • Lets Party

    Here's a photo of me with my friends Jim (left), and his brother Paul. It was taken at Paul's 4th of July party, back in 2004.

  • Loki and Ziggy

    This is photo from 2019, of my late dogs Loki (front) and Ziggy, laying in their bed together.

    Sadly Loki passed away at 3 years old in 2021, and Ziggy died at 8 years old, in 2022.

  • Bat Mobile

    I took this is a photo of the Bat Mobile back in 2003, at Six Flags Ohio.

  • Jim and Jan

    Here's a photo of my late wife's sister Jan, and her huband Jim. It was taken back in 2009, at my parents 50th anniversary party.

  • Grandparents

    This is a photo of my late grandma and grandpa Hughes. I have no idea what year it was taken, but it was definetly a long time ago.

Celebrate and Remember

I added this section to the Photos page, as a place to honor and remember, our loved ones, family and friends. It is important we honor, accomplishments in life, as well as never forget, those who are no longer with us.


Let us celebrate special occasions and outstanding accomplishment, of our family and friends. There are 8 photos that automatically scroll, and start with the latest first. You can view this section in any screen orientation, however the scroll effect will look better in landscape mode, on all screen sizes.
Please note that photos of people who passed away, will not be posted in the Celebrate section. But they are always available in the Remember section.
Please note photos of people who have passed away, will not be posted in the Celebrate section. But their photos are always available in the Remember section.


Let us never forget, the loved ones family and friends, who were once a part of our life, and now no longer with us. They made our lives forever better, and for that alone, we must always remember.
The photos are placed in ascending order, by the year they passed away. You can scroll through them using the direction controls, and also by swiping, on a touch screen device.
You can view the photos in any screen orientation on a mobile device. However the carousel effect will look better in landscape mode on a mobile device, or on a larger screen.
Simeon Hughes
Simeon Hughes
1878 - 1956
Jessie H. Hughes
Jessie Hughes
1905 - 1961
Leroy T. Wiseman
Leroy Wiseman
1909 - 1981
Chewy Hughes
Chewy Hughes
1986 - 2001
Meow Hughes
Meow Hughes
1993 - 2002
Thomas L. Wiseman
Thomas Wiseman
1938 - 2003
Katie M. Montgomery
Katie Montgomery
1912 - 2003
Mildred A. Wiseman
Mildred Wiseman
1916 - 2011
Gizmo Hughes
Gizmo Hughes
2000 - 2011
Delano L. Montgomery
Dale Montgomery
1933 - 2013
Mogwai Hughes
Mogwai Hughes
2001 - 2015
Charles H. Ross
Charles Ross
1930 - 2015
Sebastian Hughes
Sebastian Hughes
2011 - 2015
Larry A. Roach
Larry Roach
1961 - 2016
Donald V. Pawloske
Donald Pawloske
1935 - 2016
Pete Harold
Pete Harold
2004 - 2017
Carl F. Bodenshatz
Carl Bodenschatz
1943 - 2017
Eugene E. Harris
Eugene Harris
1934 - 2017
Malinda G. Horne
Malinda Horne
1963 - 2018
Binks Hughes
Binks Hughes
2006 - 2018
Linda J. Reynolds
Linda Reynolds
1945 - 2018
Timothy J. Ross
Timothy Ross
1962 - 2018
Richard I. Hughes
Richard Hughes
1941 - 2018
Patricia D Berkhimer
Patricia Berkhimer
1943 - 2019
Margaret A. Montgomery
Marge Montgomery
1939 - 2019
Shirley A. Plummer
Shirley Plummer
1935 - 2019
Donald Moss
Donald Moss
1936 - 2019
David L. Steele Jr.
David Steele Jr.
1951 - 2019
Coy G. Harold Sr.
Coy Harold Sr.
1935 - 2020
Larry G. Montgomery
Larry Montgomery
1941 - 2020
Mary McQuain
Mary McQuain
1947 - 2020
Michael Stanley
Michael Stanley
1948 - 2021
Lee Brugman
Lee Brugmann
1953 - 2021
Una Y. Ross
Una Ross
1935 - 2021
Barry E. Conn
Barry Conn
1946 - 2021
Loki Hughes
Loki Hughes
2018 - 2021
Ernestine H. Harold
Ernestine Harold
1930 - 2021
Charles D. Ross
Charles Ross
1956 - 2022
John L. Ayers
John Ayers
1959 - 2022
Naomi R. Crampton
Naomi Crampton
1934 - 2022
Ziggy Hughes
Ziggy Hughes
2014 - 2022
Coy Harold Jr.
Coy Harold Jr.
1960 - 2023
Joyce Hughes
Joyce Hughes
1959 - 2023
Stacks Image 60543
JoAnn Bodenschatz
1944 - 2024
Stacks Image 60570
John H. Hughes
1936 - 2024
Stacks Image 57542
To Share a Photo

Photo Albums

Albums in this section are shared by 1Macman's Place, and contain pictures on a particular subject or category. They are shared through iCloud Photo Sharing, and navigation may be different than other sections on the page, so be sure to read the instructions.
While on the page, you can view this section, in any screen orientation. Please note that some content blocking extensions may hinder you from viewing an album, when you go offsite.

Album Navigation

Please see the instructions below, on how to navigate an album. But make sure you read them carefully, because they are not available, in the album itself.

    Follow these steps, to navigate an album. Please click the next button to continue.

    View Album

    To view an album click on its thumbnail photo, and it will open a new window or tab, in your browser.

    Full Size

    On the album page you can scroll through the photos, then click on one, to see the full size version.


    When viewing a single photo you can use the left and right arrows, to navigate through the album.


    You can also play a slideshow, rather than navigate them yourself. To do so click on Slideshow at the upper right.

    Back to Album

    To go back to the album (from a photo or slideshow), click the album title at the upper left. If you don't see the title, hover over a photo and it will appear.

    Finished Viewing

    When you're finished viewing an album, you can close the window or tab, and return to the Photo Gallery page.

    You've seen all the steps, for navigating an album.
    Joyce & John's Wedding

    View Album

    Joyce & John's Wedding
    Pap & Grandma Wiseman

    View Album

    Pap & Grandma Wiseman
    Cleveland Zoo

    View Album

    Cleveland Zoo
    Joyce & Yvonne 50 Years

    View Album

    Joyce & Yvonne 50 Years
    Our Flower Gardens

    View Album

    Our Flower Gardens
    Marge & Dale 50 Years

    View Album

    Marge & Dale 50 Years
    Balloon A-Fair

    View Album

    Balloon A-Fair
    Jeannie & Jim 40 Years

    View Album

    Jeannie & Jim 40 Years
    Jim & Jan 25 Years

    View Album

    Jim & Jan 25 Years
    Gauge Lake Park 2008

    View Album

    Gauge Lake Park 2008
    John's 50th Birthday

    View Album

    John's 50th Birthday
    Your Album Here

    View Album

    Your Album Here

    Shared Photo Albums

    The albums in this section were shared by family and friends, from various websites. Since they control the albums content, it may contain pictures on a particular subject, random pictures or even videos. Some albums may offer viewer commenting, or allow you to upload, photos.
    While on the page, it is best to view this section in portrait mode. Please note that some content blocking extensions may hinder you from viewing an album, when you go offsite.

    Album Navigation

    To toggle through the albums click the direction arrows. Then to view the album itself click the button, and it will open in a new window or tab, in your browser.
    Since these albums are hosted on external websites, the navigation methods may differ. To learn how to navigate the albums shared by 1Macman, see the instructions below. But make sure to read them carefully, because they are not available, in the album itself.

      These steps will show you how to navigate an album, shared by 1Macman. Please click the next button to continue.

      View Album

      To view an album click on its thumbnail photo, and it will open a new window or tab, in your browser.

      Full Size

      On the album page you can scroll through the photos, then click on one, to see the full size version.


      When viewing a single photo you can use the left and right arrows, to navigate through the album.


      You can also play a slideshow, rather than navigate them yourself. To do so click on Slideshow at the upper right.

      Back to Album

      To go back to the album (from a photo or slideshow), click the album title at the upper left. If you don't see the title, hover over a photo and it will appear.

      Finished Viewing

      When you're finished viewing an album, you can close the window or tab, and return to the Photo Gallery page.

      You've seen all the steps, for navigating an album.
      Hughes Christmas
      Christmas photos of the Hughes family, taken through the years.
      Montgomery Christmas
      Montgomery family Christmas photos, taken through the years.
      In Loving Memory
      Photos of loved ones and friends, who have sadly passed away.
      Our Pets and Animals
      Here's an album with photos, of our favorite pets and animals.
      Photo Scrapbook
      This album has our miscellaneous and assorted photos.
      Your Album Here
      Have an album you'd like to share, click the button to learn how.

      Contributor Notes

      Here is some important information about shared photo albums, from the people who shared them.
      Albums by 1Macman
      Hughes Christmas
      Montgomery Christmas
      In Loving Memory
      Our Pets and Animals
      Photo Scrapbook
      The albums that I share on the website, initially only allow you to view the photos. If you would like to comment, or upload photos to an album, contact me and I'll send you an invite. Be sure to include the name of the album, along with an active email address.
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      You can follow me on social media, check out my YouTube channel, or Tweet™ this page, by clicking the buttons below.
      For more information about our privacy practices, please read our Website Policy.

      This website uses cookies and analytics, to improve your experience, and analyze site traffic (see policy). By continuing to use this site, you acknowledge that you have read, understand, and accept it.