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1Macman's Place Home

Welcome to 1Macman's Place, a website for family and friends.

About the Website

I started this website to give family and friends, a place to stay in touch, and share things with each other. I wanted to offer something that was more our own, and without the drama, found on social media sites. I am continually working to improve the website, to help make your visit more enjoyable, so if you have an idea or suggestion, please feel free to contact me.
You can learn more about what is on the website, in the content section below. You can also see what's recently been added, in the recently added section, or visit the Updates page, for a full list of updates. Family and friends can find information about sharing on the website, by visiting the Support page.
Please make sure you also read the Terms of Use, which outlines the terms and conditions, regarding your use of this website.
Thanks for visiting, and I hope you enjoy your stay. And don't forget to tell others about it, so they can enjoy it too.

Website Notes

Here are a few quick notes about the website. They may inform you about recent changes, or contain other information about the site. Only the most recent note is initially visible, but you can read the previous ones, by clicking on the tabs.

Share With Others

Family and friends can share all kinds of things on the website, like the latest news and upcoming events, your favorite photos and home movies, or even your tips and how-to's. To learn more about sharing, you can visit the Support page and if you still have questions, don't hesitate to contact me.

Website Content

This section will give you information about what you will find on the website and where it is all located. So whether you are new to the site or a returning visitor, I'm sure it will be helpful.
The website has four sections, with different things to see and do. For a description of each section, toggle through the tabs below.
    The Community section has 6 pages, and a lot to explore. Here you’ll find things like news, daily stuff, and a calendar, just to name a few.
    News Page
    This is the place to read the latest news from our family and friends, along with some current and local news.
    Daily Page
    On the Daily page you can check the latest notes and reminders, see the monthly shout-outs, and read about events that took place in our history. There are also Quote of the Day, Daily Inspiration and Website Mail sections.
    Calendar Page
    The website Calendar, will help you stay informed. It has birthdays and anniversaries for our family and friends, along with holidays and other events.
    Tribute Page
    Steve Jos and Apple, have forever changed my life. So the day after Steve died, I created a tribute page on the website. I want to express my feelings on his passing, and also honor a man who was my hero.
    Events Page
    The Events page has events that are taking place where our family and friends reside, along with other events, that might interest you.
    Links Page
    This page has links to some of my favorite websites, along with the sites, of some of my friends.
    The Media section has 4 pages full of photos and videos, for your viewing pleasure. If you spend time here, I’m sure you’ll have fun.
    Photo Gallery
    The Photo Gallery is made up of four sections, and each one has a different type of photos. You’ll find random daily photos, photo albums, shared photo albums, and even a Celebrate and Remember section. So take your time to look around and enjoy.
    Photo Wall
    The Photo Wall is where we share all of our single photos, and you can view the full size version, by clicking on its thumbnail.
    The theater page is where we share all of our home movies. So sit back, relax, and watch some movies, shared by our family and friends.
    Please note; certain parts of this section, require slightly different methods of navigation. Be sure to read, the instructions provided.
    The Tips section has 3 pages, with tips on things like computers and technology, health & fitness and even tips for around the house.
    Info Tips
    This page has informational tips on a variety of different things, and they could be very useful.
    DIY Tips
    The DIY page has tips that will help you do things yourself, and may even save you some money.
    Tech Tips
    The Tech Tips page has technical tips on things like software, computers and mobile devices, just to name a few.
    Site Info
    The Site Info section has 3 pages of important information, like the website Terms of Use, our Privacy Policy, and website updates.
    Terms of Use
    This page contains the website Terms of Use and Legal Disclaimer. Please take a moment to read this information, which governs my relationship with you, in relation to this website. If you disagree with any part of the terms and conditions, you should not use this site.
    Policy Page
    The Policy page has detailed information, regarding the content and privacy practices of this website.
    Updates Page
    The Updates page is where you can see everything that is new on the website, along with a list, of the recent changes.
    The Website Help section has 3 pages. The first two offer help and support, with using the website. And the third is a Sitemap, that has a breakdown of the pages, and other content on the site.
    Support Page
    The Support page is the place to find useful information, about sharing your content on the website. It also has tips on things you can do, if you're having problems, using the site.
    Contact Page
    You can use the Contact page to request information about the website, make suggestions, or just to say hello. So take a moment and contact me, because I am always interested in hearing from you.
    The Sitemap has a breakdown and links, to all the pages and content on the site.

Recently Added

Some things on the website like news, messages and photos, change on a daily basis, while others change less often. Here are a few things that were recently added, but please note, it does not include changes to the website design. Those will be posted in the Notes section.
  • 4/23/24: A new event, was added to the Events page.
  • 4/30/24: A new photo was added to the Celebration section.
  • 5/17/24: A new photo was added to the Celebration section.
  • 5/23/24: A new event, was added to the Events page.
  • 6/2/24: A new photo was added to the Celebration section.

More From 1Macman

Steve Jobs Tribute

As many of you know, I am a huge Apple fan. I've been using Apple computers for a long time and over the years, I have really learned a lot. Steve Jobs and Apple, have been a big inspiration to me and the things he envisioned and created, have forever changed my life.
With that said, you can only imagine how I felt, when Steve passed away. The day after he died, I created a tribute page on the website. Not only did I want to express my feelings on his passing, I also wanted to honor a man, who truly was my hero.
If you would like to see the tribute page, you can use this link: Steve Jobs Tribute

My Forum

In addition to this website, I also host a forum. To learn more about it, click on read more, and if you'd like to check it out, use the link below.

When I first decided to start a forum, I wanted to create something different. I wanted to provide a place where we could discuss just about anything, without being tied to a specific topic. It was also important it was suitable for all ages, so everyone could participate. That meant the forum would need to be closely monitored for inappropriate content, and I can assure you it is.

On 1Macman’s Forum, there are a lot of topics to choose from, so you should find something you are interested in. Some of the categories include, Auto & Home, Sports, Health & Fitness and Technology to name a few. There is even a market place, where you can list things you want to sell, trade, or are looking to buy.

To participate in the forum, you need to set up a user account, and it’s free and easy to do. You simply create a user name and password, supply an email address, then respond to the verification email. That's all there is to it and in a few minutes, you’re a forum member.

So come on over and join in the conversation, just make sure to read and abide, by the forum rules.

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Website Banner Photo by: Lee Campbell on Unsplash
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